

Public Notice

OEL Exceedance (TTHM, Disinfection byproducts)

Town of Sweet Water is required to provide a Public Notice of the following operational exceedance.

This is a result of the interaction of the organic compounds found in the source water, primarily bromides, and the formation of chemical compounds relating to the chlorine disinfection.

2024 Consumer Confidence Report

Request Copy

If you are a current utility customer and would like to receive a copy of our 2024 Consumer Confidence Report please Contact Us and one will be provided to you at no cost.

What is the CCR?

The CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) is an annual report about the water quality of our local public water system. It provides a detailed report of sample results that were taken during the previous year. It also provides you with contact information for those responsible for your water system. All public water systems are required to provide a CCR to their customers at least once per year.

There is a violation reported on the CCR relating to disinfection by-products, specifically Trihalomethanes, in which the THM level was above the MCL level. Due to the organic makeup of the raw, sourcewater, from the well and the interaction between the bromides in the sourcewater, the chlorine (disinfectant) interaction causes increased levels of THM and other disinfection by products.

Additional CCR Links

EPA Drinking Water

EPA Water Quality

EPA CCR Information for Consumers

EPA How to Read/Understand the CCR

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Reports

Alabama Rural Water Association

Public Notice

OEL Exceedance (TTHM, Disinfection byproducts)

Town of Sweet Water is required to provide a Public Notice of the following operational exceedance.

This is a result of the interaction of the organic compounds found in the source water, primarily bromides, and the formation of chemical compounds relating to the chlorine disinfection.

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2023 Consumer Confidence Report

Request Copy

If you are a current utility customer and would like to receive a copy of our 2023 Consumer Confidence Report please Contact Us and one will be provided to you at no cost.

What is the CCR?

The CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) is an annual report about the water quality of our local public water system. It provides a detailed report of sample results that were taken during the previous year. It also provides you with contact information for those responsible for your water system. All public water systems are required to provide a CCR to their customers at least once per year.

There is a violation reported on the CCR relating to disinfection by-products, specifically Trihalomethanes, in which the THM level was above the MCL level. Due to the organic makeup of the raw, sourcewater, from the well and the interaction between the bromides in the sourcewater, the chlorine (disinfectant) interaction causes increased levels of THM and other disinfection by products.

Additional CCR Links

EPA Drinking Water

EPA Water Quality

EPA CCR Information for Consumers

EPA How to Read/Understand the CCR

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Reports

Alabama Rural Water Association

2022 Consumer Confidence Report

Request Copy

If you are a current utility customer and would like to receive a copy of our 2022 Consumer Confidence Report please Contact Us and one will be provided to you at no cost.

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What is the CCR?

The CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) is an annual report about the water quality of our local public water system. It provides a detailed report of sample results that were taken during the previous year. It also provides you with contact information for those responsible for your water system. All public water systems are required to provide a CCR to their customers at least once per year.

There is a violation reported on the CCR relating to disinfection by-products, specifically Trihalomethanes, in which the THM level was above the MCL level. Due to the organic makeup of the raw, sourcewater, from the well and the interaction between the bromides in the sourcewater, the chlorine (disinfectant) interaction causes increased levels of THM and other disinfection by products.

Additional CCR Links

EPA Drinking Water

EPA Water Quality

EPA CCR Information for Consumers

EPA How to Read/Understand the CCR

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Reports

Alabama Rural Water Association

2021 Consumer Confidence Report

Request Copy

If you are a current utility customer and would like to receive a copy of our 2021 Consumer Confidence Report please Contact Us and one will be provided to you at no cost.

What is the CCR?

The CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) is an annual report about the water quality of our local public water system. It provides a detailed report of sample results that were taken during the previous year. It also provides you with contact information for those responsible for your water system. All public water systems are required to provide a CCR to their customers at least once per year.

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Additional CCR Links

EPA Drinking Water

EPA Water Quality

EPA CCR Information for Consumers

EPA How to Read/Understand the CCR

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Reports

Alabama Rural Water Association

Community Dumpster



This dumpster is provided by the Town of Sweet Water FOR OUR WATER CUSTOMER’S CONVENIENCE.  This dumpster is only for the use of the residents on the Sweet Water Water System.  This notice is to remind you that there are certain items that CANNOT be placed in the dumpster.   These items are as follows:


Also, it should go without saying, but if you go to the dumpster and it is full, please take items back and wait until the dumpster has been emptied.  The dumpster cannot be removed when there are items above the top of the dumpster.  When they come to exchange the dumpster, anything above the top is raked off and it creates extra work for someone because this has to be cleaned up.  Cardboard cartons should be broken down flat so as not to take up excess space.

Absolutely nothing should be placed on the ground outside of the dumpster

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Town of Sweet Water