Water account updates
Thank you for helping us to update your account information.
Why this is important?
New federal regulations require water systems to do a comprehensive inventory of their water system to determine the types of plumbing in the system. Typically, the water system is only responsible for the connection to the meter itself; however, due to the potential issues with lead or older galvanized plumbing we are required to determine if any of our customers have these types of plumbing connections inside their home.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) sets federal standards and the state (Alabama Department of Environmental Management) enforces those standards. As a result, the Town of Sweet Water is required to update the information. You can help us by updating your plumbing information.

What is reported?
Your address is reported as well as the type of plumbing you have in your home. Any other contact or personal information you provide is not reported. We will only use your contact information to update our records.